The DKG-116 is a low cost, comprehensive unit designed to start and stop a generating set both manually and remotely.
The unit is suitable for both gasoline and diesel gensets. The standard unit controls gasoline engines. Diesel engine control is selected with a wire jumper connection.
The unit is only available in 12V version.
Read More...The manual control is made using RUN and STOP pushbuttons on the front panel. The remote control is made via REMOTE START input signal.
When the engine is running, the unit monitors fault conditions and shuts-down the engine automatically in the occurrence of an alarm. The alarms are identified by a group of LEDs displaying only the first occurring one.
The unit provides a set of digitally adjustable program parameters. All parameters are modified through front panel pushbuttons.
Both Manual and remote control
Generator protection
Built in alarms and warnings
Remote Start operation available
True RMS measurements
Tamper proof engine hours display
Field adjustable parameters
High current Fuel and Crank outputs
Optional auxiliary output
Optional magnetic pickup input
Digital inputs: 4
Survives cranking dropouts
Sealed front panel
Standard panel dimensions: 96x48mm
Plug-in connection system